Wednesday, September 1, 2010


So here we are, blogger or more commonly known as blogspot. My name is Eric Cheng-Jie Lin, and there's nothing absolutely fascinating about me - Indonesian/Burmese/Chinese boy born in the United States. I'm a computer science major and although I doubt that anyone in the class is  going to be looking for me to write a major program, I can fix most major computer problems and also at least provide some level of assistance at the software and hardware level.

I'm a super nerd, I'm a decent athlete. I'm proficient in the English language, have learned how to read and write French, and am beginning to learn how to write in Chinese and Indonesian. The alien languages that come out of my mouth when I'm not speaking in English are Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese Chinese, French and Indonesian. I'm not particularly fluent in the latter two but I can definitely hold a conversation in Chinese.

Badminton is the major past-time that I have in my life, the second would be playing video games. I used to have the hobbies such as writing short stories, cooking, reading, and messing around with computers; alas, those are things that require much time, and I can only do so little in so much time. Each person is a world to be explored, however, and I'll keep this short.

Eric Cheng-Jie Lin

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you Eric. Please write in larger font next time. Thanks! Also, to protect your privacy, I would suggest you not publish your full birthdate. Identity theft is a drag.
