Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Good Man is Hard to Find

Blog about “A Good Man Is Hard to Find.”  Does the plot surprise you?  Why or why not?  When you started reading the story, what did you think would happen?  If you have seen any films by the Coen brothers (especially No Country for Old Men), can you see how they were influenced by Flannery O’Connor? 

To say the very  least, I found this short story in the book to not be very surprising. If one pays attention to the details, there was perhaps an excessive amount of foreshadowing. I admit that the tone of the story changed strongly from beginning to end, but that did not exactly catch me off-guard. The beginning started off with a large, happy family tone - but the introduction of "The Misfit" from the news and the grandmother's sudden obsessive fear of him had drawn me towards the apparent importance of the character. I didn't truly know the direction of the story up until the actual meeting between the family and the Misfit's group, however.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you have a strong opinion. Try to back it up with more details and quotes from the text. I'd like to see more analysis in these blog posts.
